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- Reference
- Deformation energy
- Geometric energy to strtch and band thin shell from one shape t another as difference between first and second fundamental form
- First: stretching
- second: bending
- Approach:
- Given constraints (handle position / orientation, find surface that min deformation energy)
- Linear Approximation
- Energy based on fundamental forms in non-linear function of displacements
- linear approximation using partial derivatives of displacement function.
- Assume parameterization of displacement field d(u,v)
- Bending:
- linear energy:
- laplace = 0 minimize surface area
- Variational calculus, Euler0-Lagrange equations:
- laplace of laplace: make it smooth (the derivative of surface change continuously and is minimized)
- So, apply bi-laplacian on mesh
- Skeletal animation