Word2Vec Models

Collection of all pre-trained Word2Vec Models:


Google’s model seems not reliable…

Here are some similarity tests of Google’s model:

The similarity between good and great is: 0.7291509541564205
The similarity between good and awesome is: 0.5240075080190216
The similarity between good and best is: 0.5467195232933185
The similarity between good and better is: 0.6120728804252082
The similarity between great and awesome is: 0.6510506701964475
The similarity between great and best is: 0.5216033921316416
The similarity between great and better is: 0.43074460922502006
The similarity between awesome and best is: 0.3584938663818339
The similarity between awesome and better is: 0.27186951236001483
The similarity between best and better is: 0.5226434484898708
The similarity between food and foodie is: 0.3837408842876883
The similarity between food and eat is: 0.5037572298482941
The similarity between foodie and eat is: 0.3050075692941569
The similarity between park and view is: 0.1288395798972001
The similarity between design and art is: 0.3347430713890944

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