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- Information about midterm
- Start with S
- ∑Pr(A -> gamma | A) = 1
- (conditional) probability of each item has to sum to one
- Pr(O = o1,o2,…,on|µ)
- HMM: Forward
- PCFG: Inside-Outside
- Guess Pr: argmax_(Z)[ Pr(Z|O, µ) ]
- HMM:Use Viterbi to get
- PCFG: Use Viterbi CKY to get
- *Z is the best sequence of states
- Guess µ: argmax_(µ)[Pr(O|µ)]
- HMM:Use forward-backward to get
- PCFG: Use Inside-outside to get
- Example:
- Sentence:
- ——————-S
- ——–NP—————-VP
- ——–NP———-V————-NP
- ——people——eats —–adj——–N
- —————————roasted—-peanuts
- Problem:
- Pr_µ(peanuts eat roasted people) = Pr_µ(people eat roasted peanut)
- We can try to generate head of each phrase:
- ————————————S (Head: eat)
- ——–NP(Head: people)—————————–VP(Head: eat)
- ——–NP(Head: people)———-V(Head: eat)——————————–NP(Head: peanut)
- ——people(Head: people)——eats(Head: eat)————-adj(Head: N/A)—————–N(Head: peanut)
- —————————————————————–roasted(Head: N/A)————-peanuts(Head: peanut)
- Should have: Pr[S (Head: eat) -> NP(Head: people) VP(Head: eat)] > Pr[ S (Head: eat) -> NP(Head: peanut) VP(Head: eat) ]
- Dependency representation:
- Sentence:
- —————————eat
- —————people—————peanuts
- —————–the—————–roasted
- Lexical (bottom up)
- NP ->det N
- Evaluation
- Reference Reading:How Evaluation Guides AI Research
- Intrinsic evaluation
- Extrinsic evaluation
- Kappa’s evaluation
- Metric: precision recall
- How to evaluate two structures which could generate the same sentence?
- Answer: Generate more than one output for each input, convert the output into set of output, and use precision and recall to measure.
- Reader evaluation:
- If the reader’s score agree with the machine, stop
- else: let another reader read the essay