- Deep learning
- Representation learning
- Rule-based
- high explainability
- Linguistic supervision
- Semi-supervision
- have small set of data with label
- has large set of data without label
- Recurrent-level supervision
- Language structure
description lengths DL= size(lexicon) + size( encoding)
- lex1
- do
- the kitty
- you
- like
- see
- Lex2
- do
- you
- like
- see
- the
- kitty
- How to evaluate the two lexicons?
- lex 1 have 5 words, lex 2 has 6 words
- Potential sequence
- lex1: 1 3 5 2, 5 2, 1 3 4 2
- lex2: 1 3 5 2 6, 5 2 6, 1 3 4 2 6
- MDL: minimum description lengths
- unsupervised
- prosodic bootstrapping
Lexical space
relatedness vs. similarity
- use near neighbors: similarity
- use far neighbors: relatedness
ws-353 has similarity & relatedness
loss function:
Part1: potential methods
- readability
- syntactic analysis