- Read Eric’s code about KroEngine
- about use of glFinish(), re-test the times
- revise PPT
- 35. Search Insert Position
- 33 & 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array I & II
Parallel Computing Study:
- Lesson3
- Exclusive scan & Inclusive scan
- Hillis Steele Scan & Blelloch Scan:
- HSS (Inclusive) step efficiency
- step: log(n)
- work: nlog(n)
- BS (Exclusive) work efficiency
- step: 2 * logn
- work O(n)
- How to choose?
- If have more work than processors: Blelloch Scan
- If have more processors than work: Hillis Steele Scan
- If serial: step: O(n), work: O(n)
- HSS (Inclusive) step efficiency
- Histogram
- bins
- atomic operation for memory
- practice