System: Ubuntu 16.04
CUDA: 10.0
Graphic Crad: RTX 2080
- Download openpose and dependencies:
1git clone --recursive
If “–recursive” is not added here, the default caffe will not be downloaded! -
123cmake ..make allmake install
- The process will not be so smooth!!
- Error:
1234CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:CUDA_curand_LIBRARY (ADVANCED)linked by target "caffe" in directory /home/xiaoxu/Documents/rgb2mesh/Borrowed/openpose/3rdparty/caffe/src/caffe
Solve: open “openpose/build/caffe/src/openpose_lib-build/CMakeCache.txt” with cmake-gui
Change cuda-9.0 to cuda-10.0 - Error:
- Error:
12345678910(pytorch_py3) xiaoxu@chuan:~/Documents/rgb2mesh/Borrowed/openpose/build/examples/tutorial_api_python$ python 01_body_from_image.pyError: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 26, inraise eFile "", line 23, infrom openpose import pyopenpose as opFile "../../python/openpose/", line 1, infrom . import pyopenpose as pyopenposeImportError: cannot import name 'pyopenpose'
Solve: Goto “build/python/openpose” and run “make”
123(pytorch_py3) xiaoxu@chuan:~/Documents/rgb2mesh/Borrowed/openpose/build/python/openpose$ make[ 97%] Built target openpose[100%] Built target pyopenpose
- Download openpose and dependencies: