DEBUG: unable to execute ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc’: No such file or directory error: command ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc’ failed with exit status 1

zWhen trying to install SoftRas & neural renderer, I got error:

unable to execute ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc’: No such file or directory

error: command ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc’ failed with exit status 1


Failed again with CUDA…

Another sad experience with cuda.

  1. Tensorflow compiling with cuda just doesn’t work when I suspend my machine. (Error: GPU cannot be found.)
    1. Tried to reinstall tensorflow again…FAILED!
    2. Tried to restart the PC…WORKED!
  2. However, I met this error again:
    1. Tried to change:
      1. /home/xiaoxu/Documents/tf_install/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/include/tensorflow/core/util/cuda_device_functions.h
        1. line 32:
          1. -#”cuda/include/cuda.h”
          2. +#include “cuda.h”
      2.  /home/xiaoxu/Documents/tf_install/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/include/tensorflow/core/util/cuda_kernel_helper.h
        1. line 24:
          1. -#”cuda/include/cuda_fp16.h”
          2. +#include “cuda_fp16.h”
  3. Then, I recompiled cuda functions, and got all-zero outputs.
    1. I forgot to switch cuda9.0(default) to cuda 10.0, switch to cuda 10.0…WORKED!